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Meet Our 招生 Team



Director of Enrollment


Director of Enrollment

开始日期: 2010

教育: B.A. - Theatre, Baylor University
M.S. - Educational Administration, The University of Scranton


Suzanne is an energetic, creative, and organized team member at ECSA. In addition to being an EC alum, she has served in a variety of roles in her career at EC, including Humanities and CP 英语 teacher, HS 音乐al 剧院 and Choral Director. After 7 years in the classroom she moved into Administration, first in Extended Learning, involving programs such as Before and After School Care and 俱乐部 Pk-6th grade, Service Learning Pk-12th grade, 营地 Pk-8th grade, Early College program development, and several cultural exchange and short-term international programs. Now she serves as the Enrollment Director.  She and her husband own a small business in Warwick, NY, and are proud parents to a young ECES student and toddler.

Suzanne met her husband in the hallways of ECHS upon transferring mid-way through HS; her heart and passion for serving this transformative institution, most recently through sharing EC’s story, identity and mission with potential and current EC families, 是深深根植于心. With a passion for community engagement, she’s grateful for the opportunity to continue learning and growing as a member of the EC family, no matter what hat she’s wearing!



Enrollment Management Assistant


Enrollment Management Assistant



招生 Counselor


招生 Counselor

开始日期: 2018

教育: B.A. - 英语, Women's Studies, Skidmore College


Kara has been happily married to Tim Stansel for 23 years. They have three children: Kaitlin, currently attending Bucknell University, 卡特, a future student of Franklin & Marshall College and Griffin, a proud member of the Class of 2022 of ECHS. When not working in the Enrollment Office, Kara enjoys spending time with her family and volunteering in her community. Kara currently serves as a Deacon on the Consistory of The Community Church of Glen Rock.



高中 Tour Guide, Girls Varsity Basketball Coach, Boys MS Soccer Coach


高中 Tour Guide, Girls Varsity Basketball Coach, Boys MS Soccer Coach

开始日期: 1981

教育: B.A. - PE /健康 & Secondary Education, Calvin College


Barry is a coach with over 30 years of experience who is passionate about making personal fitness fun for students using his love for Christ, 体育, and music as well as a sense of humor to get the job done. He and his wife Debi are members of Emergence Church in Totowa. They are happy they chose to send their four children to EC from pre K through high school because they believe strongly in the school’s mission to provide a Christ centered education in a safe and loving environment. The Veenstra family also created and continues to enjoy directing the popular and unique Eagles Sports Camp every summer.